Winter Family

Winter Family

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We got our dog about three months ago with a little anxiety and uncertainty, but I am suprised at how attached we have all become to him (even Justin though he won't admit it). He hurt his leg yesterday and my heart is breaking for him as though he was one of my children. My children LOVE him. It's fun having someone to greet you happily when you come home or wake up from sleeping. Here's our lovely ball of fluff.

We have a four day weekend with the girls due to MLK day, so of course part of our fun is playing the Wii together. We love that thing!

Bubble wrap popping and lego building are also fun past times.

And of course a movie or two. Do you sometimes feel the television sucks out their brains?!

1 comment:

Norris Fam said...

So Beau (our doggie) was choking on a raw-hide chew thing the other night and I was freaking out. He was breathing he was just crying and shaking...I was almost crying I was so worried. What is it about these animals and their ailments??? He's a cutie!